Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Referral Marketing: Create and Deliver Value

What does the word mean to you?  Is value getting a product or service for the absolute lowest price possible? Or is it something more?

Some people are more concerned with the Quality they receive, and will pay more, sometimes alot more to get it.  The trap is that sometimes you pay more just for the Perceived Image ( i.e. the idea that advertising has planted in our minds) that it is a better product / service, but it really isn't.

My own sense of  Value comes from a combination of price ( NO ONE WANTS TO FEEL LIKE THEY ARE BEING GOUGED OR WORSE, RIPPED OFF)  and receiving a product or service that delivers what I expect. I would say that the more benefits I get for my money, the better the value.

Then there is the aspect of time. If I need to spend too much of my valuable time, then that takes away from the overall value of the product or service.

So with that said, what am I getting at. Every day in every transaction that takes place between people, whether in a personal or business setting, we are creating and delivering some form of value. There is an old saying, " everyone brings happiness - some by coming and others by leaving".

Our personal relationships have a value. We receive love, support and comfort from our closest family and friends. If we don't, we tend to NOT choose to spend much time with them. Of course there are times when we have to be with people we don't want to be with, both personally and professionally.  Are the people you interact with everyday usually glad that they did?  Are you more concerned with what your own needs, or do you  put the other person first? ( this applies to business transactions too.)

What we do and how we do it is a true measure of value. Everyone has needs. Everyone can be selfish.  We can't all be Gandhi, but we can try to remember the Golden Rule " treat others the way that you would like to be treated."  That's why you have to ask yourself, " Why am I really doing this."  Is it about what I want? Or is it about the other persons needs?  Until you take the time to find out their wants or needs, anything you do will come from a selfish place. I am no better than a commercial, a one sided conversation that has one end, to get you to do what I want for my needs. When we take the time to learn about the person, they will tell us what is important to them. So ask questions, be genuinely curious about them. Show them they matter. That they are valued.

Have you ever referred something to someone? A movie, a restaurant or something more tangible?   Why?
Where you expecting to get something in return?    Probably not.
There is a reason why people give referrals. They've found a product, service or idea that delivered high value and they want to share it with others. It's the thrill of discovery. "Look what I found!", " Aren't I smart".  We actually look for reinforcement and acknowledgment that we are right.  Everyone wants to be a Winner.
Most people are open to a referral, depending on how well they relate to it.
Can they use it?  Does it meet their needs? Can I trust you?

That's the crux of the matter.  A Referral Creates and Delivers Value when:
There is trust
There is a real need
There are no expectations

That's why Referral Marketing is so powerful. People share their experiences, then we make our own choice.

If there is Value, people will respond. 

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