Saturday, December 17, 2011

Winter Wonderland?

Christmas in LA....I've lived here all my life and still have yet to see a white Christmas. That's OK, I mean snuggling with your loved ones near a blazing fire and looking out to a snowy vista has it's charms, but I can do with out the 20 foot snow drifts, scraping ice off your windshield, shoveling out the driveway and all the other "fun" activities associated with the stuff.

Southern California living means we get mild winters ( sometimes summer like even), and if you want snow it's a short drive away in the local mountains.  We recently had some of the strongest wind storms in the San Gabriel valley area in awhile. Trees fell onto cars, roads, homes, and knocked out power disrupting the lives of many residents. It's been unusually cool so far this fall so we will see what the actual winter turns out to be like soon enough.

All in all, So Cal is the best place to spend the Holidays.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's Fall

One of my favorite times of year is Fall. Here in Southern California you wouldn't expect a changing of the foliage as you would see in the Northeast, yet we have many areas with maple, and other varieties that explode with color. The key is cold nights. What makes the leaves turn is the cold air shrinks and chokes off the sap from getting to the leaves. Then the hot sun can "toast" them and dry them out. While the nights do get cooler here, it may take longer for the change to occur, but when it does I've seen some displays that rival those of Vermont.

Everyone's attitude seems to get better. Maybe it's the expectation of the coming holidays, or that Football is back and the World Series is on ( by the way... one of the best this year between Texas and St Louis). Days are getting shorter, nights cozier. We start to think, have we accomplished what we wanted to this year, and if not, do we appreciate what we have accomplished?

Some of my fondest memories are of this time of year, especially Thanksgiving. A time to visit with family and friends, take stock of all that we have to be grateful for, and enjoy a special meal together. Every year I go on a quest to find the biggest bird I can ( usually over 30 pounds!). 

My hope is that you and yours will have a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the Value of Time

   There's an old maxim :
The first thing you do in the morning is eat a frog, 
then nothing worse can happen the rest of the day!!

  We have a  Perception of time:
Time seems to go faster or slower depending on what we are doing. When your not engaged or interested, time drags ( that last 5 minute before you can leave school or work).
Time spent doing things we enjoy or are fully engaged in,  feels like it goes faster  ( where did the time go? )
Our memories are tied to important events, time seems to slow, we remember more detail.
The question is, do we have any control over time?

Here are Six simple truths about time:

   Nobody can manage time, but we can manage the things we do.
   Time is Expensive, most spend 80 % of it on things that get only 2 %  of our results.
 . Time is Perishable: it cannot be saved for later use.
   Time is Measurable: we all get same amount. It's not what we have, but how we use it.
   Time is Irreplaceable: we never make back time once it is gone.
   Time is a Priority: There is enough time for anything, if it ranks high enough .

  Procrastination: the time killer
 Often we become overcome by ALL the things we have to do. We make a list, and it can be overwhelming.
So there are things that get put off. Human nature being what it is, we tend to avoid the difficult situations. 

  Say we have 10 tasks, one or two of them will probably give us 10 times the value of the rest ( 80% = 2% ).  We tend to focus on tasks, not accomplishments, because it feels like we're making progress. So plan.
Focus first on items that may be harder or more complex, but will have greater value.  Don’t let the other 80% distract you. It's OK to not complete everything on your list. It will get done when it is important enough.

Eat that Frog : ( so, how do you know what it is? )

A.    Know what your Dream / Vision / Chief aim is…
B.    Plan your goals to get there. ( they are the signposts on your journey)
C.    Everyday, prioritize your action steps.
D.    Spend your time on the Top 20 % of  productive activities ( the rest can wait!)
E.     Find the 1 or 2 most important  AND  DO THEM FIRST. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Referral Marketing: Create and Deliver Value

What does the word mean to you?  Is value getting a product or service for the absolute lowest price possible? Or is it something more?

Some people are more concerned with the Quality they receive, and will pay more, sometimes alot more to get it.  The trap is that sometimes you pay more just for the Perceived Image ( i.e. the idea that advertising has planted in our minds) that it is a better product / service, but it really isn't.

My own sense of  Value comes from a combination of price ( NO ONE WANTS TO FEEL LIKE THEY ARE BEING GOUGED OR WORSE, RIPPED OFF)  and receiving a product or service that delivers what I expect. I would say that the more benefits I get for my money, the better the value.

Then there is the aspect of time. If I need to spend too much of my valuable time, then that takes away from the overall value of the product or service.

So with that said, what am I getting at. Every day in every transaction that takes place between people, whether in a personal or business setting, we are creating and delivering some form of value. There is an old saying, " everyone brings happiness - some by coming and others by leaving".

Our personal relationships have a value. We receive love, support and comfort from our closest family and friends. If we don't, we tend to NOT choose to spend much time with them. Of course there are times when we have to be with people we don't want to be with, both personally and professionally.  Are the people you interact with everyday usually glad that they did?  Are you more concerned with what your own needs, or do you  put the other person first? ( this applies to business transactions too.)

What we do and how we do it is a true measure of value. Everyone has needs. Everyone can be selfish.  We can't all be Gandhi, but we can try to remember the Golden Rule " treat others the way that you would like to be treated."  That's why you have to ask yourself, " Why am I really doing this."  Is it about what I want? Or is it about the other persons needs?  Until you take the time to find out their wants or needs, anything you do will come from a selfish place. I am no better than a commercial, a one sided conversation that has one end, to get you to do what I want for my needs. When we take the time to learn about the person, they will tell us what is important to them. So ask questions, be genuinely curious about them. Show them they matter. That they are valued.

Have you ever referred something to someone? A movie, a restaurant or something more tangible?   Why?
Where you expecting to get something in return?    Probably not.
There is a reason why people give referrals. They've found a product, service or idea that delivered high value and they want to share it with others. It's the thrill of discovery. "Look what I found!", " Aren't I smart".  We actually look for reinforcement and acknowledgment that we are right.  Everyone wants to be a Winner.
Most people are open to a referral, depending on how well they relate to it.
Can they use it?  Does it meet their needs? Can I trust you?

That's the crux of the matter.  A Referral Creates and Delivers Value when:
There is trust
There is a real need
There are no expectations

That's why Referral Marketing is so powerful. People share their experiences, then we make our own choice.

If there is Value, people will respond. 

Multiple Income Streams.

Is your income all that you want or need it to be?
Maybe you have a job, hopefully a career, that you enjoy and get satisfaction from, but
at the end of the month, you wish you had more money available
to do the things you want to do.   Or wish for.

Sometimes not even enough to comfortably take care of your needs.

Do you have a plan B?    Additional sources of income?

One of the biggest challenges we all face is realizing that we are capable of doing so much more than we allow ourselves to believe.

Is going Green important to you?

Like you, I have been educated by different governmental and
media sources on the benefits of protecting our Families Health
and the environment.

Clean air, soil and water are vital to our overall health,
if not our long term survival.

Many companies have started to add products that have
a less negative impact on the environment.

There is one company that has made a Full Commitment to provide some the safest, cleanest, environmentally friendly products available
for over 26 years.

Who do you give your Dollars to?

Do you shop the health & beauty aile, or for cereal?  How about the laundry and household cleaning aile?  Ever need drugstore items?

Like me I’m sure you shop at many places, taking time and
using gas, trying to get the best prices, conveniently.

Some even pay to join Club stores like Sam’s or Costco in an effort to get the best value for their money.

Still, no matter where you shop,  you still are trading your time and $ for the things you need; and the companies keep all of the profits.

What can I do?

Why not try something a little different, that can have a
positive impact on your families health, and the environment,
utilizing a variety of nature based quality products
- that we consume every day -

While saving money,  even making additional income.
perhaps a lot more.

What to look for is:

Real Value, Customer Loyalty, Clean Conscious products and
the Personal Satisfaction of shared income derived
from our own purchases…..

        What a concept.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Can Toastmasters add to your marketability?

Some people are not aware of the many benefits of visiting one of  Toastmasters International's many local clubs. If you have not been introduced to Toastmasters yet,   let me be the first.

Public speaking is one of those things that we all must do from time to time. Whether at work, or in some social situation, we are sometimes asked to say at least a few words. For some, like me, rattling on  for a few minutes isn't too daunting ( for others,  it can be a real struggle).  But if I need to speak longer or on a more focused, specific subject, I get nervous too.

That is why last fall I started to visit some local clubs until I found one were I felt comfortable and worked best with my schedule.  The folks were friendly, welcoming and let me visit as much as I liked. I was able to visit off and on for the next six months or so. One of the many things I like about Toastmasters is it allows people to practice, learn and develop their skills in a low stress, non threatening environment. Plus I have fun.

Here are a few reasons why Toastmasters is an asset to your marketability.

Employers need and want their employees to have solid "soft skills",  not usually taught in schools. 

Being involved in personal development activities shows that you work at improving yourself. 

A completed Toastmasters program has been called  "a graduate degree in Communications". 

For those who have had club experience,  please share how Toastmasters has benefited you..

Lets encourage folks to come visit a local club and see what they're missing!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What is MRO

Market Research & Optimization is a forum to share
what we've learned and discovered.

Mission statement:

Dedicated to finding, developing and sharing information
that enhances and benefits both sides of the business relationship.

Enabling people to make better, value driven decisions.

Having good information, knowing your options, and having a larger Vision
are the keys to reaching
your optimum potential each day.

Optimize : the act of striving to make as perfect and functional as possible.

One of the biggest challenges we all face is realizing that we are capable of doing so much more
than we allow ourselves to believe.

The Acorn as a Symbol     

Just as the mighty Oak tree seems to magically sprout
from the tiny acorn.
So too do we have the seed of bigger and better
inside each of us.

Our goal is to be a resource that is enjoyable,
eye opening and informative.

Remember, every river encounters obstacles and changes course,
yet still finds the sea.