Thursday, May 23, 2013


i've mentioned before in a previous blog about Coffee Shake, a local network like no other i'm blessed to have in my area. One of the founders is Christine, a Social Media savant, who offers to share her knowledge and wisdom on all things Net for the price of a Vente Hot Latte.

Even though i was one of the founding members almost 2 years ago, only recently did we finally sit down together.

We started from the beginning: internet 101.  i always take notes whatever i'm doing and found that i was familiar with most of what she shared.  Later on reflection came the realization that what i thought i understood was just the faint outlines, like in a coloring book and Christine was filling in all the colors!  

She asked why i think people use the internet?

Two reasons: for social needs and to find information.  The Net is a huge pond of fish, and if we want to connect, we need the "right' bait.

She says the two best "worms" are: connecting on a personal level and providing useful information.

She pointed out the need, the necessity, of treating our interactions with respect. (would you go into a room of people you hardly know and just start talking about controversial subjects like abortion? or politics?) It's not appropriate.

Part of the respect is creating friendships first.

She then gave the example of a professional that after investing 6 long years to build her clientele, found that when she changed business' they were not transferable and would have to start all over again. Daunting!

But when we meet on sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, we are creating connections on a much more personal level. When you are connected to a brand only, it limits our relatablity.  In Social Networking she used the analogy of Tribes. We connect with others based on our role within the particular site (be it hunter, gatherer, warrior, chief, medicine man- or woman, etc).

She added: I wouldn't go as far as to say that everyone has a particular "role" in today's tribe ~ it's evolved into more of a connectivity of everyone being "valuable" and offering value of their knowledge, skills, talents and love 
~ In the tribes I'm creating, no one is "categorized" into a specific role

People take on different roles in each of their many tribes.
And each of these tribes connect us to other tribes- endlessly.

How many sites and groups are you a member of?

Are you perceived differently on each?

We are blessed to live in a time and place that allows us to utilize the benefits of modern society AND embrace simplicity.

Knowing who each member of our extended tribes are, being able to express ourselves in many different roles and...

Having the freedom to find our True Best Selves.

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