Thursday, April 26, 2012


With my house came a good sized concrete lined pond and 10 beautiful fish. One of the things I love about it is the waterfall. Over the years I've worked to keep it running fast and strong. I love sitting by the pond listening to the sound of the falling water. It helps me center myself. Periodically I need to clean it to keep it that way. Recently the flow had gone down to a pitiful trickle that slowly got worse.  Even after I cleaned it, the flow was still bad.  I started to check the line, running a high power hose through it, trying to flush it out but still, no improvement. I wasn't happy about it but didn't know what to do. I thought the pump was failing and I would  have the expense of replacing it, so I just lived with it for awhile. But every time I looked at that little trickle of a waterfall, it bothered me. Finally I decided to be systematic about it. I took apart the different sections of the hose, removing the last section that goes into the filter. As I was running water into it, I noticed very little was coming out the other end.     I had pinpointed the clog! 
Frustrated...  I tried banging it against a pole...
SPAT!... a huge glob of gunk came shooting out of it!

It got me to thinking... about the times we feel stuck... and unable to figure out why.  We are all  beautiful waterfalls flowing into the world. There are many reasons why our flow may slow. A drought in our lives that drys up our spirit. "Beavers" building dams that inadvertently block our dreams. Whatever the reasons, we owe it to ourselves and the world to keep our waters of greatness flowing . What seems to work best is action. Doing something, even if we don't feel like it at first, moves us in the right direction.  When you sense your waterfall is down to a trickle, don't give up. Try everything you can. Read positive books, watch motivational videos, listen to music, meditate, talk to friends, get involved, anything (even up to banging your head a few times!) to open your flow.

Be open and let your personal greatness flow.

It's a blessing you owe to others and yourself.

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