One of my favorite times of year is Fall. Here in Southern California you wouldn't expect a changing of the foliage as you would see in the Northeast, yet we have many areas with maple, and other varieties that explode with color. The key is cold nights. What makes the leaves turn is the cold air shrinks and chokes off the sap from getting to the leaves. Then the hot sun can "toast" them and dry them out. While the nights do get cooler here, it may take longer for the change to occur, but when it does I've seen some displays that rival those of Vermont.
Everyone's attitude seems to get better. Maybe it's the expectation of the coming holidays, or that Football is back and the World Series is on ( by the way... one of the best this year between Texas and St Louis). Days are getting shorter, nights cozier. We start to think, have we accomplished what we wanted to this year, and if not, do we appreciate what we have accomplished?
Some of my fondest memories are of this time of year, especially Thanksgiving. A time to visit with family and friends, take stock of all that we have to be grateful for, and enjoy a special meal together. Every year I go on a quest to find the biggest bird I can ( usually over 30 pounds!).
My hope is that you and yours will have a Very Happy Thanksgiving.